Executive Director portfolios

You can find out more about our Executive Directors' portfolios below.

Executive director portfolios

Image of Scott Haldane

Scott Haldane
Interim Chief Executive

Lauren Gable

Lauren Gable
Chief Finance Officer


  • Finance
  • IT
  • Estates
  • Health and safety, including security
  • Emergency planning
Holly Sutherland

Holly Sutherland 
Chief Operating Officer


  • Professional lead for operational workforce
  • Service transformation and improvement
  • Performance and informatics
  • Freedom of Information
Dr Cathy Walsh

Dr Cathy Walsh
Chief Medical Officer


  • Professional lead for medical, psychology and pharmacy workforce
  • Research and innovation
  • Children’s Hospital
  • Clinical effectiveness
  • Clinical innovation
  • Mental health law
Rachel Gomm

Rachel Gomm
Interim Chief Nurse


  • Professional lead for nursing, Allied Health Professionals and support workforce and volunteers
  • Quality and patient safety governance and compliance
  • Legal services and inquests
Stephen Legood

Stephen Legood
Director of People and Business Development


  • People and culture including learning and organisational development.
  • Business and workforce planning
  • Contracting and commercial development


As a patient

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

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