East of England Community Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (FCAMHS)
Information for Children and Young People
If you have been or think you are going to be referred to FCAMHS please read the information below to help you understand what FCAMHS do.
For our children's leaflets please click here or for our easy read version please click here
We are a mental health service that works with children and young people who are: saying or doing worrying things; or maybe hurting someone else.
Why are FCAMHS involved?
A professional who works with you has asked us to think with them about you. Together, we hope to work out the best way to help you.
Will you want to see me?
Sometimes one of the doctors, nurses, psychologists or social workers in FCAMHS will ask to see a child or young person. Often this is just once, but sometimes we will ask to see you again. We will talk to you about this when we meet.
What will you want to talk to me about?
The questions we ask help us to understand what is going on for you and work out what might help. We often ask about how you feel and things that have happened in your life. This is called an assessment. You can have someone you trust come with you to the assessment and you can take breaks if you need.
What happens after I see your team?
After we have asked all the questions we need to, we will write a letter explaining what we think will help you. We will ask you for your thoughts and ideas too. We will share the letter with your GP and may ask you if we can share it with other professionals you work with.
Who will you talk to about me?
We only share information about you with professionals who really need to know to keep you safe. Most of the time we will ask your permission but sometimes we might need to share information when you don’t want us to. This would only happen if we were very worried you or someone else might get hurt if we didn’t.
How to contact us?
FCAMHS is available Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm.
T: 0300 300 9300
E: cpm-tr.FCAMHS@nhs.net
If you need urgent help
If it is an emergency and someone’s life is at risk, phone 999.
If it is not a 999 emergency but you need help fast: dial 111.
If you live in Peterborough or Cambridgeshire and you are registered with a GP, you can access the First Response service by dialling 111 and then pressing option 2.
If you have any concerns about any of CPFT’s services, or would like more information please contact Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Freephone 0800 376 0775 or email pals@cpft.nhs.uk
If you require this information in another format such as braille, large print or another language, please let us know.