Our involvement journey

Our involvement journey

Involvement isn't a destination. It is a journey of working collaboratively with the people who use our services and their families to create the best possible services together.  

A series of events have helped start our involvement journey. In November 2016 the partnership strategy group co produced eleven listening events across the county. A key outcome from this was the commitment from CPFT to form a  service users forum. In  November 2017 work started with the partnership strategy group to create a service user forum for  CPFT. In May 2018  we advertised and interviewed for the service users forum. Our first meeting was held on the 4 October 2018. Between November 2018 and April 2019, terms of reference  and contracts of involvement  were co-created with the service user forum. In January 2019 the service user forum was renamed the Participation and Partnership Forum to reflect its activities. 

In October 2019 our second Learning together to improve care event took place and included CPFT staff from each directorate and people who had used CPFT services, their families, members of the Participation and Partnership Forum and our wider community. The event focused on creating a word cloud of how we want involvement to feel within CPFT and identifying the top five steps CPFT, and its co-production partners will be taking to achieve this vision.  

How we want involvement within CPFT to feel.  

Our five steps on our involvement journey for 2020 were:

  • Training in positive risk taking 
  • Creating a network for sharing good practice
  • Creating a conduit for people to get involved 
  • Creating PRIDE values for involvement
  • Involvement training for new starters    


This page is about people who use services, their families and carers collaborating with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust to ensure that our services are the best that they can be. There are lots of different ways to get involved including being part of clinical design groups to help develop our services, to taking part in focus groups to be a member of a steering group to help implement policies. 

To find out more about the invovlement opportunities click here

Find out why people are Getting Involved 

Listen to Emma Joy Staines talking about why she has got Involved 
You can listen to why Jonathan Wells from Rethink Carer Cupport and Chair of the SUN network is motivated to get involve.


If you would like to find out more the Participation and Partnership Forum, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundations Trust's service user and carer forum please click here

Many of our involvement roles are now advertised here or to find out more you can follow us on twitter at Involvement@CPFT. If you would like to talk to somebody about involvement please get in contact with anna.tuke@cpft.nhs.uk. 

As a patient

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust