
Meet the team
There are many members of staff at the Phoenix Centre, who together form a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) ensuring you receive the best care and treatment possible. We realise some of the roles of staff here will be unfamiliar to you, so here is a brief overview.
Consultant psychiatrist
The consultant psychiatrist will make decisions about care and treatment together with you, your family and other involved professionals. Our consultant has overall clinical responsibility for you whilst you are a patient at the unit.
Ward manager
Our ward manager is responsible for the overall management of the Phoenix Centre, in consultation with senior colleagues.
Ward Doctor
There is usually one other speciality training doctor on rotation at the Phoenix Centre. They are fully qualified and work alongside the consultants and multi-disciplinary team members. They are responsible for looking after the your physical health, such as taking ECG's, blood tests etc. as well as monitoring your mental well-being on a daily basis.
Clinical nurse specialist (CNS)
Our CNS is responsible for your clinical needs, and the needs of the team that work at the Phoenix Centre.
Our psychologist will work with you to explore the core emotional and cognitive aspects underlying your illness. They can offer a range of evidence-based therapies for anorexia as recommended by NICE. This means spending time meeting with you, to get to know you, in order to try and understand how your difficulties have developed.
Family therapist
Our family therapist will work with you and your family. Family therapy is known to be an effective treatment for teenagers with Anorexia Nervosa and at the Phoenix Centre we offer this either as part of a group or as a single family.
Nursing team
The nursing team consists of nurses and health care assistants, who together form the largest staff group at the Phoenix Centre. They provide much of the day to day care for you, and it is this team who you have most contact with during your stay. Our nursing team are dedicated to your care and helping you through your recovery journey.
Our dietitian is responsible for your dietary needs and nutrition whilst you are a patient on the unit.
The teaching staff at the Phoenix Centre are committed to reengaging you with your education and keeping you up to date with your mainstream schoolwork as far as possible.
Occupational therapist (OT)
Our OT will usually work with you if your level of functioning in ‘activities of daily living’ (self-care, leisure and other productive roles, i.e. student) has been reduced by mental health difficulties. They will explore different activities will you to help with your daily functioning and management of difficulties.
Research assistant
Our research assistant wiull collect, analyse and disseminate a range of clinical outcome measures. THey will then discuss clinical implications with the multidisciplinary team, the young person and their family. Additionally the data is collectively analysed to monitor and evaluate treatment effectiveness. They also work on research projects relevant to adolescent mental health.
Head of Patient and Parent Involvement
One of our Head of Patient and Parent Involvements' (HOPPI) main responsibility is to feedback to staff about parent/carer and patient experience. You may also request information from the HOPPI. The HOPPI will notify you of any involvement opportunities as and when they arise, in a fortnightly ‘Have your say’ group.
Administrative team
Our administrative team consists of various administrators, co-ordinators and PAs. Together this team play a pivotal role in helping the effective and smooth running of the service.
The role of the NYAS advocate is to listen to the views being expressed by all young people attending the Phoenix Centre to make sure that important issues are raised with the staff team. The NYAS is not part of the NHS. The advocate visits weekly.
Our housekeeper oversees provisions on the unit, preparing lunch, snacks and dinner as well as supporting young people and families with food preparations and meal plans. He oversees maintenance issues on the ward; as well as ordering and organising the provision of all meals, laundry, and recreational items.