1. Our services

    1. Perinatal Trauma and Loss Service
    2. CLASS clinic
      1. Meet the CLASS Clinic team
      2. I think I may be autistic
      3. I have been referred for an autism assessment
      4. I have been diagnosed as autistic
      5. Support for mental health
      6. I am a carer or family member of someone autistic
      7. Additional support
    3. Community Paediatrics
    4. Cambridge Psychosis Centre
    5. East of England Community Forensic CAMHS
      1. Information for children and young people
      2. Information for families / carers
      3. Information for professionals
      4. Our partners
    6. Attend Anywhere
      1. Adults and specialist mental health
      2. Adults and older people's community services
      3. Inpatient wards
      4. Children and young people
    7. Darwin Nurseries
      1. About us
      2. Farm Shop
      3. The Farm
      4. Hanging baskets
      5. Referrals
    8. Phoenix centre
      1. Information for patients, parents and carers
      2. Our treatment pathway
      3. Phoenix School
      4. Meet the team
      5. Referrals to Phoenix
    9. Occupational therapy - Children
      1. Occupational therapy toolkit
      2. Occupational therapy referrals
    10. Speech and Language Therapy Service- Children
      1. About Speech and Language Services
      2. Speech and Language Therapy Toolkit
      3. Late Talkers: How to help your child
      4. Referrals
      5. Training and Webinars
    11. Primary care mental health team
      1. Primary Care Mental Health Service: Information for carers
      2. Peer Support Workers in PCMHS
      3. Referrals to the Primary Care Mental Health Service
      4. Evaluation report on Primary Care Mental Health Service
    12. Physiotherapy Service- Children
      1. General Information
      2. Referrals
      3. Early Years Development
        1. Supporting your child's development
      4. Specialist Clinics
        1. Orthotics
      5. Postural Care and Management
      6. Keeping Active
    13. Psychological Skills Service
    14. Psychology Service- Children
      1. Psychology Toolkit
    15. Template landing page
    16. Cambridge Centre for Paediatric Neuropsychological Rehabilit
      1. Make a referral
      2. CCPNR Covid-19 update
      3. Our work
      4. Visiting CCPNR
      5. About us
    17. Darwin Centre
      1. Who we are
      2. Our aim
      3. Education
      4. For Young People
      5. Parents/Carers
      6. Referrals
      7. Gallery
      8. Darwin vacancies
    18. Perinatal Service
      1. Perinatal Partners Support
      2. Care and treatment
      3. Our stories
      4. Information for parents and parents-to-be
      5. Perinatal Professional Referrals
    19. NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Talking Therapies
      1. Self-Refer Here
      2. Treatments We Offer
      3. Older Adults (+65)
      4. Employment Support
      5. For Professionals
      6. Self Help Videos
      7. Resources
      8. COVID-19 updates
    20. YOUnited
      1. Resources For Carers
      2. YOUnited Neurodevelopmental Help for Families
      3. YOUnited Professionals
      4. How to refer
      5. Children and Young People
        1. Physical activity
        2. General mental wellbeing
        3. Stop or reduce alcohol, cigarette or drug use
        4. Relax, destress or sleep better
        5. Keep track of your mood and learn ways of coping
        6. Better, healthier relationships
      6. Pregnant Women and New Parents
        1. Physical Activity
        2. General mental wellbeing
        3. Relax, destress or sleep better
        4. Stop or reduce alcohol, cigarette or drug use
        5. Better, healthier relationships
        6. Keep track of your mood and learn ways of coping
        7. Connect with other people to share experiences
        8. Child mental health and development and parenting approaches
      7. Parents and Carers
        1. Physical activity
        2. General mental wellbeing
        3. Relax, destress or sleep better
        4. Stop or reduce alcohol, cigarette or drug use
        5. Better, healthier relationships
        6. Keep track of your mood and learn ways of coping
        7. Connect with other people to share experiences
        8. Child mental health and development & parenting approaches
      8. Children
        1. General mental wellbeing
        2. Relax, destress or sleep better
        3. Keep track of your mood and learn ways of coping
        4. Have better, healthier relationships with people
        5. Physical activity
    21. Patient Information Leaflets
    22. Minor Injury Units
    23. The Croft Child and Family Unit
      1. Children
      2. Parents
      3. Professionals
      4. News and events
    24. Springbank
      1. Testimonials
      2. Gallery
    25. RCE Wellbeing Hub
      1. RCE - Wellbeing Hub
        1. FAQs
        2. Let's talk about...
        3. About us
    26. Adult eating disorder services
      1. Norfolk Community Eating Disorder Service
      2. What are Eating Disorders?
      3. Information for inpatients
      4. Assessment Clinics (S3)
      5. Referrals (S3)
      6. Three-day multi-family work
      7. Legal issues: The legal framework
      8. The treatment programme on S3
      9. Information for carers
      10. The Ward Environment
      11. Treatment
      12. Keeping Safe Programme
  2. Carers

    1. Adult Carers
    2. Parent Carers
    3. Young carers
    4. Carers' Handbook
      1. Carers' Handbook: Introduction
      2. Getting the support you need to continue caring
      3. Getting regular support
      4. Legislation
      5. Benefits and respite
      6. Understanding the diagnosis
      7. Medication and physical health
      8. Understanding suicidal thoughts and suicide prevention
      9. Your wellbeing
      10. Further resources
    5. Understanding self harm
    6. Zero Suicide
    7. Urgent and emergency support
  3. Join us

    1. Latest vacancies
    2. Temporary staffing
    3. Apprenticeships
    4. Accommodation
    5. Contact us
    6. Meet Our Staff
    7. Featured Recruitment
    8. Children's, Young People's and Families Services
    9. Older People Adult and Community
    10. Adults Specialist Mental Health
    11. Adult in-patient wards
    12. Cambridge Adult Locality Team
    13. Home First
    14. Healthcare Support Workers
    15. Return to Practice
  4. Get involved

    1. Our charity
    2. Heart and Soul
    3. Volunteer
    4. Become a member
    5. Peer Support Workers
    6. Involvement
      1. Patient, Service User and Carer Experience and Involvement Strategy 2024
      2. Involvement Opportunities
      3. Participation and Partnership Forum
        1. Our forum members
    7. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Adopting Innovation Hub
    8. Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework
      1. PCREF latest news and updates
    9. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS)
    10. PRIDE awards
      1. Team Nomination
      2. Employee Nomination
  5. Contact

    1. Head Office Contact
    2. Provide feedback/share your views
    3. Feedback form
    4. Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
    5. Complaints
    6. Medical records
    7. Press and media
  6. About us

    1. Board of Directors
      1. Executive Director portfolios
    2. Council of Governors
    3. Patient resources
      1. Post-Covid Syndrome resources
        1. Post-Covid Virtual Management Programme
        2. Post-Covid: Anxiety and depression
        3. Post-Covid: Brain fog
        4. Post-Covid: Breathlessness
        5. Post-Covid: Fatigue
        6. Post-Covid: Managing sleep
        7. Post-Covid: Swallowing and voice
      2. Service leaflets
        1. Children and young people service leaflets
          1. East of England Community Forensic CAMHS: Information for children and young people
          2. East of England Community Forensic CAMHS: Information for families and carers
          3. East of England Community Forensic CAMHS Information for professionals
          4. Home Treatment Team (CAMHS) - patient leaflet
          5. Home Treatment Team (CAMHS) - professionals leaflet
        2. Adult and specialist services leaflets
        3. Older people's leaflets
      3. Insight into series
        1. Insight into schizophrenia
        2. Insight into post-natal depression
        3. Insight into personality disorder
        4. Insight into depression
        5. Insight into dementia
        6. Insight into bipolar disorder
        7. Insight into anxiety
        8. Insight into smoking
      4. Long-term conditions leaflets
        1. COPD and chronic lung conditions
        2. Coronary Heart Disease information
        3. Diabetes information
      5. Self-harm
        1. Self harm: A guide for young people
        2. Self-harm: A guide for parents and carers
      6. Duty of Candour
      7. Shared decision-making
      8. Taking care of your information
      9. Smoke-free and fire safety
      10. Cambridge Children's Hospital
    4. Corporate Information
      1. Publications
        1. CPFT Strategy 2023-2026
      2. Privacy and Dignity
      3. Treasury Disclosure of Information
      4. Freedom of Information
        1. Frequently requested information
      5. National Data Opt Out
      6. Fraud
      7. Mental Health Act
      8. Armed Forces Covenant
      9. Privacy Notice
      10. Cookie policy
      11. Accessibility policy
    5. Covid information
    6. Quality and Safety
      1. Electronic Prescribing & Medicines Administration (EPMA)
      2. Patient Safety Incident Response Framework
      3. Sexual safety
      4. Safer staffing
      5. Documents that guide practice
      6. Safeguarding Declarations
      7. Advocacy
      8. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
      9. Infection control
      10. Zero suicide
        1. Patient and Family Liaison
        2. Are you worried about someone
        3. Have you been affected?
        4. Suicide prevention resources
    7. Glossary
  7. Research

    1. About our research
      1. Blog
        1. Research on a new road to recovery from depression
        2. Changing minds with conversations
        3. Research with care shaping the NHS
        4. Sharing experiences to shape research
      2. Research news
      3. Research@CPFT newsletter
      4. Research publications
      5. Resources
        1. Persistent depression virtual conference
    2. Public, patients and carers
      1. Be part of our research
      2. Shape our research
      3. Our research stories
      4. Learn about research
    3. Researchers and health staff
      1. Early research considerations
      2. Research approval process
      3. Research passport
      4. Research training
      5. United States funded research
    4. Research Database
    5. Windsor Research Unit
    6. Clinical innovation
  8. For professionals

    1. GPs, primary care & health professionals
    2. Local Authority
    3. Medicines and pharmacy
    4. CPFT Academy
    5. Staff Mental Health Service
    6. Staff Support Hub
    7. HAY Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
    8. East of England, NHS Specialist Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Provider Collaborative
  9. Our charity

    1. About Head to Toe
    2. What we do
      1. Where your money goes
      2. Children, young people and families
    3. Support us
      1. Fundraise
      2. Events
        1. Steptacular
        2. Skydives
        3. DIY Fundraiser
        4. 30 Days of Fitness
        5. NHS Big Tea 2022
        6. Head to Toe 100K Cycle 2024
        7. Inflatable 5k Events 2023
      3. Campaigns
      4. Volunteer
      5. Play the lottery
      6. Leaving a Gift in Your Will
      7. Corporate partners
      8. Trusts and Foundations
    4. Information for staff
      1. Pennies from Heaven (MicroHive)
      2. Useful support for staff and patients
    5. Donate
  10. News

  11. Help in a crisis

As a patient

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust