Becky features in stalking-awareness podcast

CPFT Consultant Counselling Psychologist Dr Rebecca Morland, who works in the Cambridgeshire Stalking Intervention Partnership (CSIP), has featured on a national podcast with the Suzy Lamplugh Trust in recognition of National Stalking Awareness Week.
The CSIP is a local integrated partnership that includes specialist stalking victim advocates, a dedicated stalking police officer and probation, alongside Rebecca representing health. It aims to reduce risk and re-offending by identifying and addressing the specific patterns of fixated and obsessive behaviours at the earliest possible stage, and the focus is always on safeguarding victims of stalking.
There were 776 stalking incidents reported in Cambridgeshire in the past year. Stalking is defined as persistent and unwanted attention, which happens two or more times, causing the victim to feel pestered, alarmed, distressed or in fear violence might be used against them.
During the podcast, which you can listen to here, Rebecca talks about her role in the partnership. She said: "We all have our specialist roles in our team. I give a lot of professional advice to agencies such as the Probation Service and I do professional consultations to help them. I have lots of discussions with investigating officers and police around where we can add value in that early point in time.
“Sometimes we do specialist risk assessments as well to look at where that risk is most concerning so we can think about the function of behaviour; what's psychologically driving those behaviours; what's going to help to reduce the risk that these behaviours are going to continue or going to escalate. We are trying to intervene as a multi-agency team right from that earliest point when a victim is calling in to the police with a concern."
For more information
To report stalking click here or call police on 101, or in the case of an emergency always dial 999.
For information and advice about stalking you can call the National Stalking Helpline on 0808 802 0300. For local support organisations Cambridgeshire Police has a dedicated support page here with more information.