NHS Confederation's Mental Health Network director Rebecca Gray is welcomed to CPFT

Rebecca Gray — director of the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network — has been welcomed to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.
Rebecca, who was recently appointed to her role, met with Chief Executive Steve Grange at the Trust’s Fulbourn Hospital site in Cambridge and was taken on a tour of children and young people’s units and teams by Amanda Barrett, Associate Director of Nursing & Quality from the Trust’s Children, Young People & Families Directorate
CEO Steve Grange said: “We’re delighted that Rebecca (above left) chose to visit our Trust so soon after taking up her role as director of the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network.
“It was great that she took the time to visit some of our services – in particular, our children and young people’s mental health teams – and talk to our amazing staff about their work and to our patients about their experiences of care at the Trust and the NHS.
“The NHS Confederation is a vital voice for all organisations involved in healthcare and I know that Rebecca will be a fierce advocate for the continual improvement of mental health services.
“We wish her every success in her role and look forward to welcoming her back in the future.”
The Mental Health Network represents providers from across the statutory, independent and third sectors. It works with government, regulators, opinion formers, media and the wider NHS to promote excellence in mental health services and the importance of good mental health.
The network helps shape and challenge national policy and legislation affecting members and works to identify and spread good practice and innovation in the mental health sector.
For more information contact: communications@cpft.nhs.uk.